Are you searching for the house you’ve dreamed about forever? There are many things to consider when looking at potential purchases, which can range from how close the children’s school is, to the view from the kitchen window and much more. However, one thing many new home owners overlook is the factors that could influence their Illinois home insurance.

Take note of where the closest fire hydrant is to your home and how far away the nearest fire station is situated. These things may make a difference to the cost of your home insurance premiums.

What are the burglary, home invasion and general theft statistics for the area you’re considering? Usually the worse the statistics are the higher your home insurance premiums may be.

Beautiful, character filled old houses often have an air of historical significance and plenty of charm – but unfortunately their age may be the quality that bumps up the cost of your home insurance. The high risk of damage in adverse weather conditions along with old fittings and wiring may make home insurance difficult to afford.

Research and information gathering is the key to ensuring you have all the facts to make an informed decision. Don’t hesitate to request Illinois home insurance quotes from us and ask us as many questions as you wish before making your final choice.
