Making sure your Illinois home insurance is up to date and enough to financially protect you in the event of burglary, damage from fire, or a natural disaster is an important consideration. However, while your financial protection is very important, you may also want to consider ways in which you can reduce the level of your home insurance premiums.

Consider Increasing Your Deductible

The deductible is the amount of the loss that you as the policy holder must bear before you become eligible to claim. Usually, the higher the deductible, the lower the premium, so if you are looking to reduce the amount you pay, you could consider increasing your deductible.

Improve Your Home’s Security and Safety

By showing your insurance provider that you have increased the security of the house against burglary, and by improving safety aspects against the risk of events such as fire, you may reduce the amount you pay on your premiums in the future.

Consider Multi-Policy Discounts
When you have more than one policy with the same insurer, you may be able to obtain a discount. Consider buying home insurance from the same provider as your other coverage, but don’t forget to ask if you can get a discount for having multiple policies.

There are numerous factors that will go into the calculation of the premium on your Illinois home insurance. However, you may find you can lower these by being proactive. Don’t hesitate to call us should you require further information!
